Wednesday, November 7, 2007

La Zona Roja

So for one of our ministry times we went on a friday night to work with a ministry called corazon samaritano (samaritan's heart). It was started by a youth who wants to show God's love with what they do, bringing hope to those who are considered by many to be the rejects of society. But we know that they are valuable in God's eyes and want to share his love with them. what they do (and what we went to help out with) is serve food at around 10:00 at night in one of the most dangerous places in San Jose. We served food and shared a little bit of time with the drug addicts, prostitutes, and homeless of this area.

Matthew 25:33-45

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

random fun

me rocking out to my friend's band's demo song (Setimo Fuego for any of you who would like to look them up on myspace and support a Costarican Christian Metal Core band)memebers of the band (maruko, guti, and idk the other guys name)
jade and i got haircuts a while back

Ruth (Panama), Me, and Kristy (Canada)

a lesson from the goats

As I was making breakfast one morning (which is my job for the second half of lecture phase), someone came with the exciting news that a baby goat was being born. Joel and I quickly rushed out to witness the event. As I watched the kid emerge from its mothers body and start to struggle to stand on its feet, I found a similarity in my own life. As I start to learn and put into practice new things in my life, I struggle with it, fall and try once again, eventually finding my balance and ability to stand, walk, and run.

During work duties I was asked to help with the goats to finish off. Help was needed to milk Mariposa (the goat that had given birth days prior to this). She was so full of milk that she wouldn't let Koda (the newborn) drink from her. It took four people to hold her in order to milk her since she was in so much pain. Terry (the base director) continued milking her despite all of her intents to avoid being subjected to such pain. He knew that in the end this would be beneficial to both she and Koda. I again began to relate this to my own life, how things can be painful during the time of passing through them, but in the end it is to bring blessing to my life, whether it be to add or remove something in me in order to shape my character